click on image for THE BIBLE

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Biblical accounts in the New Testament, that is, the Four Gospels as well as some works that are considered apocryphal, indicate that most Teachings by Jesus, who is called THE CHRIST or 'THE ANOINTED ONE', THE MESSIAH, etc. were transmitted orally rather than written down and studied by those associated in various ways with HIM, especially his disciples...of whom there were a number aside from the APOSTLES....which means that all these groups received spoken material and perhaps had some discussions during and after such over certain items, at which we can only guess or surmize about. Given the times when all such took place and with various problems and issues of the time, too numerous to deal with in any entirety, a certain 'secrecy' or 'clandestine aspect' fell over all such, especially when 'vested interests' and 'opposing factions' attempted to suppress emerging Christianity which was eventually organized into various groups, sects, churches, etc. and these were to become transformed into something we seldom are able to understand or recognize because we are blinded by dogma and various beliefs that do not correspond to the historical development. Today's contemporary Christians focus on either rituals, rites and ceremonies or some facet of such or focus entirely on the written/printed word of Bibles and associated Scriptures and more so on the various expositions and 'religous' books and literature that has become immense...some popular and superficial,etc. No long is Christianity given in the old way: by oral transmissions except in certain instances....but even these are doubtful .....the content and the purpose, the 'spirit' and the esoteric basis are changed into more literal levels for those approaching this religion......which is grounded on a lot of emotions and beliefs and assumptions...... I have not done any justice to this topic as yet to statet what is an accurate notion of 'ORIGINAL TEACHINGS','ORIGINS OF CHRISTIANTITY', or 'ORAL TRANSMISSIONS OF TEACHINGS', etc. But I think that most Christians today, even though they attend churches of all kinds devoted to 'Christianity' of some kind and listen to sermons or Bible readings or sing psalms and hymns and undergo all kinds of things to re-inforce their beliefs, do not really receive the 'truth' or the 'essential core' of Christianity....for such is not to compartmentalized or done only one day a week....nor is such to be always theoretically understood......More on this another time.......But the question remains, ARE THERE ANY REAL TEACHERS OR PRACTITIONERS OF TRUE, ANCIENT CHRISTIANITY IN THE WORLD TODAY?

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