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Tuesday, November 30, 2010


The subject of ESOTERIC CHRISTIANITY has long interested me,especially when I encountered the term in some of the writings by and on the late GURDJIEFF. The differences between EXOTERIC and ESOTERIC CHRISTIANITY are not as obvious to the average person who spends time in Church(es) or in devotional or charitable works or in practices of 'faith-affirming' and the like. Most of those who term or consider themselves as 'CHRISTIANS' may spend time in church or meeting hall or house, praying the standard(ized) prayers, reciting creeds and credos, or in other things related...such as 'SCRIPTURE' of 'BIBLE' reading, catchism classes, etc. and go no further in searching the actual origins of CHRISTIANITY beyond a mere social,cultural,political, and historical consideration, if at all.....Moreover, what analysis is done, if any, by them is based on EMOTIONS and usually rote learning given to them and not on actual 'spiritual' knowledge or experience....which many will deny and get most defensive about when questioned in this manner and from what is written here if they read.... Of course, one cannot say for certain what the brains of others contain or how they manage their 'mental' circuits, arrangements, etc. called 'thoughts' but one can take from their verbal statements and how they are expressed and the way they are often received, that not much thinking has been done and not much actual experience had, including answers to 'petitions','prayer's, 'affirmations' 'evocations' etc. .....or any that can be truly verified.... However,certain influences and impressions, on various levels and scales, from large to small, certainly are worth discussing and so are the various histories of CHRISTIANITY from all perspectives,which should,but seldom do, include those of ANCIENT EGYPT, ANCIENT GREECE, ANCIENT ROME, ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA, ANCIENT ISRAEL/JUDEA/NEAR EAST, Ancient Arabia(Islam) and several other areas....This could include what Yogis and Hindus say, as well as Taoists, Tibetans, Chinese, and even Folk Shamans......and a few agnostics and atheists and possibly some philosophers, scientists, evolutionists, writers (both fiction and non-fiction,fantasy,etc.) After reading and absorbing any or all of this stuff, we are no more likely to reach any genuine insights of our own or to come out of the elaborate maze constructed by groups and sects and cults and everyone else any better when it comes to daily life..... It will only be when we have wedded knowledge with belief, noting that no religion,even Christianity, is above TRUTH, and when our own relation to spiritual matters, divine or otherwise, to God or gods, to the universe or some similar word, that we will have some minor clue as to what life is all about, hopefully, and our place and our significance and perhaps garner some way to insure that after death we might survive somehow, in some form, visible or invisible,etc......

1 comment:

  1. There is,of course, a slight difference between what is meant by 'INNER CHRISTIANITY' and 'ESOTERIC CHRISTIANITY'....The former can include the lives and sayings of saints and prophets and priests and monks or the daily literature of New Age preachings, while the latter comes from sources that the modern mind and person does not understand and does not have much access to,except when made available in translations of all kinds and printed and published, sometimes on-line....and few have the time,even though supposedly their soul and its 'salvation' depend on such....
