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Tuesday, May 10, 2011


For those who believe they will be absorbec in Divine Worlds or by GOD and be One with GOD-it is an act of destruction-dissolving the ego, the sould, and all previous forms of existence-into TOTAL BEING. GOD is also THE GOD OF GOOD AND EVIL-the CREATOR of both-GOD has 'KNOWLEDGE' of GOOD & EVIL-which means in the old meaning of "know" AN INTIMATE RELATION(SHIP) with both, as,for example,"a man knows or knew his wife(woman)".. FEELING is the ESSENTIAL INSTRUMENT OF KNOWING. Relation(s) therefore is(are) direct contact on the same LEVEL at the same INTENSITY. To have a REAL RELATIONSHIP with GOD, and not the imagined,ones everyone believes they have becasue of some rite,ritual,ceremony, recitation of creeds, or the like, is simply TO BE intimate with GOD and can anyone honestly say they are? However, every act of creative, artistic or manufacturing or growing activity, whatever, involves an act of destruction. Transmutation and transformation are also destructive although many see them as 'creative' as in some types of evolution...which is AN ASCENDING ARC.......or stream....

1 comment:

  1. There are many who claim they wish to 'SERVE GOD', as well as those who assert that they, indeed, 'serve' GOD but what is the 'quality' of their service? Is it merely handing out tracts and pamphlets and brochures or attending Masses and Prayer sessions and singing hymns,etc? To SERVE GOD is to 'BE A CONSCIOUS SERVANT' and that "YOU MUST BE" or all you end up as, is "AN UNCONSCIOUS SLAVE"-to priests, rabbis, ministers, churches, temples, synagogues and Mosques and other 'erections of MAN'. I cannot serve GOD until I am AWARE OF GOD,until I AM AWAKE, when my ATTENTION is focused on GOD or rather with GOD(since GOD IS NOT AN OBJECT),which means I AM CONSCIOUS OF OR ABOUT , GOD- not merely thinking of or about God, or imagining GOD or HEAVEN or miracles or good deeds and salvation(which can also be called in some cases,'slavation'). I HAVE TO BE WITH GOD......
